Penetration, stop motion video, 1’51’’, Bad Bleiberg 2014, (video excerpt)
So here I am, light installation, Bad Bleiberg, 2014

Penetration, installation view of the exhibition "Lichtblick", Paviljon Nob, Trzic, Slovenia 2014

Penetration, Installation view of the exhibition "Lichtblick", Paviljon Nob, Trzic, Slovenia 2014
installation, Bad Bleiberg/exhibition "Lichtblick", Paviljon Nob, Trzic, Slovenia 2014
installation, Bad Bleiberg/exhibition "Lichtblick", Paviljon Nob, Trzic, Slovenia 2014
In his video-work „Penetration“ Michail Michailov
forces his way into a medieval adit near Bad Bleiberg (carinthia). The handmade
tunnel is 60 meters long and has aproximately the same outline size as the body
silhouette of Michailov. That means the adit is about 50cm in width and 170cm
in hight. The hole in the mountain transforms to a natural orifice - something
forces his way inside with stong bumps. These bumping sounds could either be
interpreted as hammering into the stone or as penetration of a body. While
shifting to and fro by invisible forces, the artist himself is pushed into the
„body“ till he seems to reach the final peak/climax.
So the artist creates a stop motion video, which insinuates ironically that human beeings take posession oft the earth and their fellow citizens brutally and without thinking. The treasure-hunting equals/ stands for sexual satisfaction, the natural resurce equals „new life“
In addition to this video there is a light installation on the very far end of the adit. Via a motion detector every visitor initiates a light rhythm representing the morse-code of "So here I am", when reaching this final spot. This sentece is meant to be ambiguous.
So the artist creates a stop motion video, which insinuates ironically that human beeings take posession oft the earth and their fellow citizens brutally and without thinking. The treasure-hunting equals/ stands for sexual satisfaction, the natural resurce equals „new life“
In addition to this video there is a light installation on the very far end of the adit. Via a motion detector every visitor initiates a light rhythm representing the morse-code of "So here I am", when reaching this final spot. This sentece is meant to be ambiguous.